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Bridge: Oct. 3, 2022


“I used to be addicted to soap, but I’m clean now.” — graffiti.

Many newer players have a problem (I won’t call it an addiction) with drawing trumps: They hasten to draw them and worry about it later.

In today’s deal, North’s raise to four spades was not a weakish “shutout” bid; North showed about 20 points and four good spades. When West led a low heart, dummy played low, and East won with the jack and switched to the queen of diamonds.


South won and … drew trumps. He next led a club. West rose with his ace and led the queen of hearts and another heart. South ruffed and took the queen of clubs but had no re-entry to the J-10 in his hand. He lost two diamonds to East: down two.

South drew trumps too soon: He can lead the king of clubs at Trick Three, and West wins to continue hearts. After declarer ruffs the third heart, he takes the queen of clubs and can draw trumps ending in his hand. He wins the rest with high clubs and diamonds plus dummy’s last trump.


You hold: S 8 4 3 H Q 10 7 4 2 D 9 7 C A 6 3. Your partner opens one diamond, you respond one heart and he next bids one spade. The opponents pass. What do you say?

ANSWER: Partner has at most 18 points and may have only 12. Game is most unlikely, and one spade might be your last makeable contract. Pass. You could try 1NT, but it’s probably best not to give partner another chance to bid — and maybe get too high.

North dealer

N-S vulnerable


S A J 7 5

H K 8 3

D A K 5 3



S 8 4 3

H Q 10 7 4 2

D 9 7

C A 6 3


S 6 2

H A J 5

D Q J 10 8

C 8 7 5 2


S K Q 10 9

H 9 6

D 6 4 2

C J 10 9 4

North East South West
1 D Pass 1 S Pass
4 S All Pass
Opening lead — H 4

©2022 Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

Originally published at Frank Stewart

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