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Bridge: Oct. 7, 2022


“No matter what anybody says, there is no `i’ in `denial.'” — graffiti.

South’s bid of four hearts in today’s deal was clear — he needed little help in dummy to make it — but there is no denying that he went down. When West led the queen of spades (not best), South won with the king and cashed a high trump. He next took the ace of spades and ruffed a spade in dummy.

East overruffed and led a club. South won and ruffed his last spade in dummy, but East overruffed again, and the defense also got a diamond and a club. Down one.


South was in denial (and that’s not a crocodile-infested river in Egypt) when he tried for spade ruffs in dummy after West had opened one spade. After South takes the king of spades, he can continue with the ace and a third spade, throwing a club from dummy.

If West shifts to the king of clubs, South takes the ace and leads his last spade, throwing dummy’s last club. He can ruff his ten of clubs in dummy, losing only three tricks in all.


You hold: S Q J 10 9 7 H 8 D K Q 6 C K Q 8 5. Your partner opens one diamond, you respond one spade and he bids four spades. What do you say?

ANSWER: Partner has about 20 points, balanced. Bid 4NT, Blackwood, and try six spades unless two aces are missing. It’s possible that you will need a winning finesse in trumps if partner holds A852,AKQ,AJ104,J2. A popular variation known as “Keycard Blackwood” would locate the king of trumps.

West dealer

N-S vulnerable


S 8 5

H 4 3 2

D 7 5 4 3 2

C 6 3 2


S Q J 10 9 7

H 8

D K Q 6

C K Q 8 5


S 4 2

H J 9 7

D A J 10 8

C J 9 7 4


S A K 6 3

H A K Q 10 6 5

D 9

C A 10

West North East South
1 S Pass 1 NT Dbl
2 C Pass Pass 4 H
All Pass
Opening lead — S Q

©2022 Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

Originally published at Frank Stewart

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