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Changes to San Jose’s Hillsdale Avenue hit a nerve: Roadshow


Hillsdale Avenue near Cherry Avenue in San Jose. (Screenshot via Google Street View)

Q: Please express my sympathies to Mr. Hanlon, who is moderately inconvenienced while California spends less than 1 percent of its transportation budget to reconfigure some roads to protect people like me from injury and death.

Michael, let me tell you what “inconvenient” is. Try biking 18 miles from Castro Valley to Danville, refereeing six soccer matches, then biking the return trip uphill, into the wind, for 1.6 hours to get home. That’s because I decided over 40 years ago to put your welfare (and everyone else’s) first when I go from point A to point B.

Why don’t you take advantage of that newly created “Tour De France” corridor and incorporate active transportation into your life when practical? The traffic situation for you and everyone else would improve. Although that won’t fix those massive potholes. Don’t hit one of those on your bicycle!

Stacy Spink, Castro Valley

A: Work on Hillsdale is just one example of Bay Area projects designed to reduce speeding, as well as crashes. One reader’s recent reactions to it definitely hit a nerve.

Q: The new traffic impediments on Hillsdale would have done nothing to prevent the two fatalities there in 2021: a solo truck driver drove off the side of a curve in the road and hit a tree, and a solo motorcyclist drove off the road and hit a car in a parking lot. The new flow and turn restrictions send traffic onto residential streets and create disincentives to shop at Hillsdale area stores.

John Dannenberg

A: Studies of San Jose streets showed Hillsdale was one of the worst in terms of serious crashes.

Q: Although I admire Michael Hanlon’s flowery use of language in describing changes to Hillsdale, perhaps he hasn’t noticed that the street is lined with houses and apartments. In those homes are people who deserve to live on something other than a six-lane highway.

Relatively low-cost changes — such as center markers, which ask only that he turn right for a block or so and then make a  U-turn — are a good effort on the part of San Jose to prevent T-boning during left-hand turns on this wide, curving street with poor visibility in many locations.

I live on a street with a posted 35-mph speed limit and a constant stream of cars, especially at commute times. Despite the speed limit, people drive 50, 60, even 70 mph here, and accidents happen regularly. My son’s car, parked in front of our house, was totaled when a teen lost control, flipped their car and slid into his.

Anything slowing people to something approximating the speed limit is great. Traffic enforcement is even better.

A: That’s all for today, folks.

Look for Gary Richards at or contact him at

Originally published at Gary Richards

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