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Man shot in East Oakland


A man was shot in East Oakland Tuesday night. (File)

OAKLAND — A 57-year-old man was shot Tuesday night at an East Oakland intersection where his car was stopped, authorities said.

The Oakland man was in stable condition at a hospital recovering from a wound to his wrist.

The shooting happened about 8 p.m. Tuesday at the intersection of East 16th Street and Miller Avenue.

The man told police he was in his car stopped in the westbound lanes of East 16th Street when another vehicle stopped and a man got out and began shooting at him. He was wounded once and his car had multiple bullet holes, authorities said.

The suspect then got back in his vehicle and fled. The wounded man was able to drive to another location a short distance away, where police and medical personnel were called.

The wounded man told police he did not know the shooter. A detailed description of the suspect was not released.

Police were trying to determine a motive for the shooting.

Police and Crime Stoppers of Oakland are offering up to $5,000 in reward money for information leading to the arrest of the shooter. Anyone with information may call police at 510-238-3426 or Crime Stoppers at 510-777-8572.

Originally published at Harry Harris

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