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Recipe: “Simply Genius” Salade d’Oranges


Algerian orange salad celebrates peak-season citrus with warming spice and a splash of orange flower water. (James Ransom)

The fanciest salads tend to be the simplest, and that goes for both savory and sweet. This refreshing, Algerian orange salad requires only four ingredients — Valencia oranges, confectioner’s sugar, cinnamon and orange flower water, which is available at Middle Eastern markets — but is sure to impress your Valentine with its peak-season brightness.

The recipe, shared by culinary historian Jessica B. Harris in “The Africa Cookbook,” recently appeared in the Food52 cookbook, “Simply Genius: Recipes for Beginners, Busy Cooks and Curious People” (Ten Speed Press, $35) by Kristen Miglore. Best part? It’s paring knife optional. Whittle away at skin and membrane, if you have time. If not, just peel and slice. It’s lovely served alongside gelato, too.

Salade d’Oranges

Serves 6 to 8 (and scales up or down well)


12 Valencia oranges

2 tablespoons orange flower water

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

3 tablespoons confectioners’ sugar


On a cutting board with a paring knife, slice off the top and bottom 1⁄2 inch of the oranges and slice the peel away, curving around the outside (or simply peel them with your hands as you would to eat). Slice the oranges crosswise into thin circles, and nudge out any seeds with the tip of the paring knife.

Lay the orange slices, slightly overlapping, on a large platter (or in a shallow glass bowl). Sprinkle the orange flower water over the oranges. In a small bowl, stir the cinnamon and confectioners’ sugar together with a spoon, then sprinkle over the oranges. You can either eat the salad right away or, for an even more refreshing and flavorful dessert, cover tightly with reusable beeswax wrap or plastic wrap and chill for 30 minutes before serving.

From Kristen Miglore’s “Simply Genius: Recipes for Beginners, Busy Cooks and Curious People” (Ten Speed Press, $35)

Originally published at Jessica Yadegaran

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