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Brazil’s golden monkey rebounds from near-extinction



FILE - A group of golden lion tamarins are seen in a tree during an observation tour at a private partner property of the golden lion tamarin ecological park, in the Atlantic Forest region of Silva Jardim, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil, Thursday, June 16, 2022. There are now more golden lion tamarins bounding among branches of the Brazilian rainforest than any other time since modern conservation efforts to save the species started in the 1970s, a new survey released Tuesday, Aug. 1, 2023, reveals. (AP Photo/Bruna Prado, File)

Once on the brink of extinction, with only about 200 animals in the wild, the population has rebounded to around 4,800, according to a study released Tuesday by the Brazilian science and conservation nonprofit Golden Lion Tamarin Association.

Originally published at The Associated Press

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