cnn-L19jb21wb25lbnRzL2ltYWdlL2luc3RhbmNlcy9sZWRlLTQyN2NhYmQ3OGEzMTQ5ZWZlYTdhOTVmYmI2OTJmZGNl-L19wYWdlcy9oX2MwNjIwOTFmMzEwNTMyYThhMGZjYTdkYTQ4YjI3YTQyThe attorney general’s office said their valuation and accounting experts determined that “Mr. Trump’s net worth in any year between 2011 and 2021 would be no more than $2.6 billion, rather than the stated net worth of up to $6.1 billion, and likely considerably less if his properties were actually valued in full blown professional appraisals.”
Originally published at Cnn.Com Wire Service