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Letters: Paying enough | Making good | Security staffing | Republican chaos | Inaccurate picture | Ukraine support



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Bay Area residents
already paying enough

Re: “Funding for transit is ‘at a crossroads’” (Page A1, Oct. 3).

It comes as no surprise that a recent survey found little enthusiasm for transit subsidies, and much less for tax, toll and fare increases.

Over the last several elections, voters in Santa Clara County have passed multiple tax and fee increases including gas taxes, the Caltrain Measure RR tax, two bridge toll increases, three VTA sales taxes, Santa Clara County’s Measure A 1/8-cent sales tax, the state Proposition 30 1/4-cent sales tax and the 2010 Measure B vehicle registration fee of $10. Additionally, we’re on the hook to pay back numerous state bond issues including high-speed rail, the Proposition 1 water bond and the infrastructure bonds of 2006.

All these fees contribute to making the Bay Area a horribly expensive place to live; especially for people of modest means, who must pay the greatest percentage of their income in these regressive taxes and fees. We pay enough.

William Hough
Los Altos

Shelter makes good
for feral kitten

Re: “Critics: Cats at shelter in peril” (Page A1, Sept. 24).

Last month I surrendered a sick feral kitten with a very bad eye infection to San Jose Animal Control. Contrary to the article depicting lax care from shelter staff, I found the employees who assisted me polite, concerned about the animal, and super helpful and professional.

I filled out my surrender paperwork and the animal was taken from me. Three weeks later, the kitten was dropped back at my house, minus his eye (expertly removed) with an ear tip denoting his feral pedigree, and neutered as well. This kitten had gotten very affectionate and friendly, which I surmised was from the attentive and good care at this facility. This kitten now enters our home for cuddling and food, a far cry from its feral birth in my backyard, and in my opinion a testament to the kind staff at this shelter.

Linda Kahn
San Jose

Security staffing key
to quelling violence

Re: “Violence at sporting events is on the rise” (Page A1, Sept. 29).

The recent rise in violence at school sports events is alarming. While disputes often escalate due to firearm accessibility, the lack of police presence at these events has also become a notable concern.

Though the intention behind the George Floyd Resolution was commendable, the complete removal of law enforcement from games might not be the answer. Schools should consider security personnel trained for these specific environments. Moreover, there’s a clear need for emergency action plans for sporting events, just as they have for regular school days. Additionally, staffing games with familiar school employees can promote a sense of trust and peace.

It’s vital for all stakeholders to collaboratively prioritize student and spectator safety.

Ramiro Gonzalez
San Jose

Republican chaos
renews shutdown threat

Re: “McCarthy ousted as House speaker” (Page A1, Oct. 4).

With 45 days to avert a government shutdown, instead of getting to work on the 12 resolutions, Rep. Matt Gaetz chooses to throw the House into chaos by unseating Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

The time and energy of the House members will be focused on choosing a new speaker instead of the real work of Congress to avoid a shutdown and safeguard the well-being of millions of Americans.

Rosemary Everett

‘Mallard Fillmore’ paints
inaccurate picture of S.F.

I’m not one to say, “Ban this comic strip or that one.” But I will reserve the right to call out a vile strip when I read one, and Mallard Fillmore qualifies frequently.

His Friday strip joked about a woman being lucky enough to make it from one place to another in San Francisco without being randomly assaulted, harassed or mugged. Mr. Tinsley is again as far off the mark as could be. And as mean-spirited as usual. His redneck strip belongs in MAGA land.

All major cities have drug and homeless problems. At least we are working on it. But we are pretty sick of right-wing whiners painting our great city with their black brush. I’ve seen some of your towns. They’re nothing to shout about. And Mr. Tinsley knows how to do insults, but not much else.

Steve Ortiz
Redwood City

Ukraine support offers
bargain for security

In World War II, the United States spent more than $4 trillion (in 2008 dollars) and more than 400,000 American lives to defeat dictator Adolph Hitler and his allies.

So far, through extraordinary efforts and sacrifices by Ukraine, we’ve spent less than $100 billion and zero American lives to defeat dictator Vladimir Putin.

This is a rare opportunity for us to make the world safer and more democratic at a bargain cost that should not be squandered by short-sighted, tight-wad politicians with tunnel vision.

Barry Bronson

Originally published at Letters To The Editor

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