Nathan Simon rests on the bench during a Prospect High School basketball game with teammates in Saratoga, Calif. on Nov. 29, 2023. (Josh Cedro/Mosaic Staff)
Editor’s Note: This article was written for Mosaic Vision, an independent journalism training program for high school students who report and photograph stories under the guidance of professional journalists.
High school athletes often struggle to balance their athletics, academics, and social life. Nathan Simon is a junior at Prospect High School in Saratoga who plays basketball as a starter, and is a jumper in track and field, has a job at a boba shop in Westgate, and a girlfriend.
He is content with his life but wishes he had more time to finish his work. “I feel like I would just be able to get more done. I feel like I would be more productive but also be able to balance the many facets of life,” Simon said.
Finding a proper balance in his life is something Simon has only discovered recently.
“The secret is to get work done whenever you can. Before practices, after practices. Whenever you think you should be doing something, you should be doing something,” Simon said.
This fall, Simon’s life took a turn for the better, when he got into a relationship with his girlfriend.
“It was something that changed the way I lived. It caused me to get out of the house, realize the effects of my actions, and someone I had to take care of and care for,” Simon said.
He acknowledges that balancing his athletics, academics, and relationships with people can be difficult.
One particular challenge came from a low score on a test. “Especially in calculus, I have had some really bad tests. I feel like I have had to focus and overcome the challenge and not give up after a bad test,” Simon said.
He believes spreading the workload and combining life features has helped him. When his responsibilities become overwhelming, Simon takes time with people he loves and cares about.
“When I do need a break, that is when I take time to be with friends or family, and this break helps me get back into the zone. Taking this time helps me reset,” Simon said.
Joshua Cedro is a junior at Santa Clara High School.
Originally published at Joshua Cedro