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Letters: Recall’s dishonesty | Swalwell misleads | Dangerous roads | A fair shake | A big loss


Rep. Eric Swalwell speaks during a press conference in support of recalling Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price outside the Hayward City Hall in Hayward, Calif., on Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2024. Swalwell was joined by recall campaign proponents Laurie Mohs, left, Brenda Grisham, right, and others. (Ray Chavez/Bay Area News Group)

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People of faith demand
cease-fire in Mideast

As a Jewish member of Interfaith 4 Ceasefire, our faiths compel us to work for an immediate, permanent cease-fire and an arms embargo.

Our faiths tell us to reject war and invest in justice, peace and human dignity.

Our faiths tell us to decry U.S. and Israeli state violence against the Palestinian and Lebanese people, supported by our elected officials and tax dollars, making us complicit.

Our faiths tell us to demand accountability for those who violate international humanitarian law: targeting civilians, destroying life-sustaining infrastructure, manufacturing starvation and facilitating the spread of disease.

Our faiths tell us that every human life is sacred; we protect one another by investing in housing, health care and education.

Our faiths tell us to reject indifference and demand justice; to choose life over death, and love over fear.

Donna R. Gans

Murder conviction shows
dishonesty of recall

Re: “Ex-deputy convicted of murdering Dublin couple” (Page B1, Oct. 5).

For those who may not remember, after this murder, those calling for the recall of DA Pamela Price were saying she was soft on crime and would not prosecute this murder to the full extent of the law. I assume they will now apologize to her and drop the recall.

No? Why let the facts get in the way of the false narrative?

David Weintraub

Swalwell misleads voters
in support of recall

Re: “Swalwell voices support for recall of DA” (Page B1, Oct. 3).

The campaign promoting the recall of recently elected Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price baselessly blames her for crime. Voters deserve to have the facts.

The referenced article in the Local News section of the East Bay Times features Eric Swalwell blaming the DA for rising crime rates and “inadequate sentencing.” He falsely states, “Under Price, the cops catch the criminals and Price puts them back into our community.”

This is directly contradicted by objective data buried on the second page: “Price’s office has filed criminal charges in 62.9% of cases brought by county law enforcement agencies, a similar rate as her predecessor Nancy O’Malley, who led the DA’s office from 2009-2022.”

Objective facts should be reported upfront. The solid majority of grassroots voters who elected DA Price in 2022 deserve to have their votes respected, and not nullified by the highest bidders.

Liza Eto

Walnut Creek roads
dangerous for drivers

Why is the Walnut Creek City Council creating dangerous driving conditions in Shadelands?

Over the past year on Lennon Lane, and now Wiget Lane, there are large posts installed in the street creating one lane each way, not allowing normal turns at intersections. One must drive straight into the intersection and then make a very sharp right turn into the right lane, while not hitting the car waiting in the cross street.

I would never take my bicycle into Shadelands. I would have to ride in car lanes to avoid tire damage, The “bike lane” is filled with debris where no street sweeper fits. Vehicles parked in the marked spots in the street block the view for vehicles exiting parking lots. You cannot see left and must drive out blind to oncoming traffic.

With my 56 years of experience with traffic worldwide, this is the most asinine setup I have ever seen.

Kim Dromlewicz
Walnut Creek

COVID policy skeptics
deserve a fair shake

Re: “Skeptics to challenge pandemic policies at today’s Stanford event” (Page A1, Oct. 4).

Thank you for sticking to simple reporting regarding the COVID symposium at Stanford.

In science, there should always be room for debate, and as we know, “the science” will often change. It’s quite common to read an article about a certain guideline changing after new research comes to light.

It’s sad that everything has become political and, in a state like California, if you suggested a different approach to COVID you were simply labeled as MAGA, which is just lazy and shows you can’t support your view with good data.

Unfortunately, the LA Times can’t handle any dissent, and their article covering this has the headline, “Stanford throws a party for purveyors of misinformation and disinformation about COVID” which is incredibly disrespectful to the hard-working physicians speaking at the event.

Max Ritter

Only a big loss
will rid us of Trump

It seems we are in some odd time loop where the events of the past election continue to echo through this election.

Again we have a man who is a threat to American society running for president. This is not a man who wants to do great and heroic acts to protect our democracy; he’s the anti-MAGA. Yes, he’s the opposite. The man adores and tries to emulate dictators and tyrants. Why? Nothing more than greed and self-love. Care for those in need? Best wishes, because it isn’t going to happen. Recall his affection for his vice president.

If you truly care for your friends and family, as well as your country, you must vote this monster out of our lives.

Stuart Shicoff

Originally published at Letters To The Editor

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