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Redwood City police investigating shooting death of man found behind supermarket


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REDWOOD CITY — A person found shot behind a supermarket died early Thursday, police said.

Police were dispatched to the corner of Adams Street at Jefferson Avenue about 1:40 a.m. after receiving reports that somebody was down in the road behind the Whole Foods Market, Redwood City spokesperson Capt. Ashley Osborne said in a statement.

The victim was bleeding from what police called a suspected gunshot wound. Medical personnel were called to the scene. Osborne said the person died there.

Authorities did not identify the person immediately, pending the notification of relatives and the status of the investigation.

Osborne said investigators were just beginning to piece the case together but that they are probing the incident as a homicide. It’s the first homicide investigation by Redwood City police in 2025. They investigated two in 2024, including one in December.

Police did not have any information immediately on a possible suspect or what may have happened. Osborne said they would make a further statement later Thursday.

This is a developing story. Please check back for updates.

Originally published at Rick Hurd

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