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Today in History: February 28, the Waco Siege begins



A cult flag flies over the Branch Davidian compound in Waco on March 08, 1993 . After a shootout in Waco in 1993 that killed four federal agents and six members of the Branch Davidian religious sect, authorities negotiated with cult leader David Koresh for 51 days. On the final day, 19 April 1993, a few hours after a government tank rammed the cult’s wooden fortress, the siege ended in a fiery blaze, killing Koresh and 80 of his followers. (Photo by BOB STRONG / AFP) (Photo by BOB STRONG/AFP via Getty Images)

A gun battle erupted at a religious compound near Waco, Texas, when Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agents tried to arrest Branch Davidian leader David Koresh on weapons charges.

Originally published at Associated Press

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