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Four things to know about Colorado River water in California


A boat cruises in Boulder Basin in front of the old Basic Management Inc. intake pipe at Saddle Island, the first ever "straw" put into Lake Mead to bring water to Las Vegas, on July 28, 2022 in the Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Nevada. The white "bathtub ring" on the rocks is from mineral deposits left from when the area was submerged in water. Last week, Lake Mead dropped to just 27 percent of its capacity, with the water level at its lowest since being filled in 1937 after the construction of the Hoover Dam as a result of a climate change-fueled megadrought coupled with increased water demands in the Southwestern United States. (Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images)


Arizona and Nevada will face more steep cuts in the water from the Colorado river in 2023 while drought continues to deepen, but California will be saved , at least for the moment.

The United States recovery office announced today the first level 2A shortage condition for Lake Mead, the massive deposit which provides water at About 25 million people. This designation triggers more restrictions for Arizona, Nevada and Mexico, while California, which has higher rights, is not affected.


But there was no agreement between the states of the Colorado river basin to cut its water Nevada is entitled in a An .

In the middle of June, office commissioner Camille Calimlim Topon gave states a period of 60 days to create an agreement, or face compulsory cuts by the federal government.

From today, no agreement had been concluded. But the deadline came and took place without the consequences of the plan or concrete of the recovery office.

"To date, states have not identified or adopted specific actions of sufficient magnitude to stabilize the system," said Touton.

The verdict is particularly high for southern California, where the river provides a quarter a third of water supply water from the region. Seven counties in southern California depend on the river for water and hydroelectric energy, and

But climate change, drought and regularly exceeds its natural flows .

And now, with Lake Mead and Lake Powell at historically low levels, it is necessary to do more to do, warned Touton. “The system approaches a turning point. And without action, we cannot protect the system and the millions of Americans who trust this critical resource, "said Touton today.

What exactly "more" means and what it means for California is always an open question. This is what you need to know:

California gets most of any state

The Trick s to- Although he rarely reaches -The Gulf of California.

a and a 1944 Treaty put another 1.5 million acres in Mexico .

The greatest height, is by far that of California. The state is entitled to 4.4 million acres, or more than a third of the flow natural river. It is enough water to provide more than 13 million houses in southern California for a year. In the lower basin, Arizona was then accompanied by around 2.8 million acres.

Most water from the Colorado river in California is used for irrigation. The imperial irrigation district obtains up to 3.1 million acres per year, mainly supplied to

In 2019, the states of the upper and lower basin concluded cut agreements which are cut in the event of a water shortage. La Cuenca Inferior Senquía contingencia plan , in SU LUGAR HASTA 2026, Permitió Recortes a las Entgas de California for the first time .

Arizona and Nevada, with more junior rights than those of Golden State, begin to see cuts when the water levels in Lake Mead fall at 1,090 feet; California cuts start when the water levels reach between 1,040 and 1,045 feet. 1,040 feet at the end of 202 2.

"California, under legal structures, is in a relatively good position on paper", "> John Fleck , Director of the Water Resources Program of the New Mexico University and Author of Two about the river Colorado.

"But the problem is that" on paper "is not reality now."

river deposits are in a low history

The drought has corrected the colored river basin for

Last summer, the United States recovery office called

The Colorado river is fundamental for the imperial valley

For the imperial irrigation district, the Colorado river is "our only source of water. We live in a desert. And it is," said Robert Schettler, spokesperson for the imperial irrigation district. Now he said: "The responsibility is to generate a lot of water, fairly quickly."


Schettler presented two conservation strategies: the first, he said, is that farms more retain the use of effective strategies such as drip irrigation. "It can take money, then it can take a little time to get this water."

Another possibility is that the fallow fields: paying farmers to leave the dry fields. It is a strategy that the Imperial Imperial Irrigation District

Californians could cope with more restrictions

Cortes could have ripples on the water wallet throughout the state. The other sources of water imported from southern California in the northern half of the state are also low, after several years of drought.

"What are we doing when the two systems are stressed? And how do we manage ourselves? Harris asked during a state meeting of the water council in June.

For the region served by the Metropolitan Water District, which has The negotiations characterized as difficult , "all types of water users could be affected, including urban and agricultural uses", according to a recent district council Presentation .

The Metropolitan Water District has already implemented Only 5% of the supplies requested.

The district warned customers who receive water from the Colorado river which could face restrictions As of next year.

"The areas that get water from the Colorado river will also have to keep more," said Hensecamp. "We will have to do it, because we know that we are going to have less water in the future than we get it today." How the less we know. ""

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  • California has already seen federal cuts, about 20 years ago, after water users did not conclude an agreement to reduce by 800,000 acres and stay in its assignment of 4.4 million acres.

    "It is important for the future of water agreements in the basin, despite the predictions of death, California has absorbed reductions with only a modest impact", reported Fleck and Anne Castle , former deputy secretary for water and sciences in the American interior department. Uu.

    Finally, California Water Systems has entered into an agreement. And now said Metropolitan Hensecamp, it's time to start again.

    "I think we are going to be in a state of permanent shortage in the future. And the question is no longer" if, "he said: it's the great thing." How much should we endure? How? If superb cuts are we going to live? "

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